


S.No. Division Circular no. Subject/ Particulars Issued On Download
1 TC CG-DL-E-29012025-260586 Draft Gazette Notification regarding "Telecommunications (Standards, Conformity Assessment and Certification) Rules, 2025" 20250129 29-01-2025
2 Std 4-1/2023-STD/TEC Inviting inputs from Stakeholders for Annual Action Plan of Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) for FY 2025-26 -reg 20250130 30-01-2025
3 CA 4-9/2024-CA/TEC-Pt1 Creation of a resource pool of mentors for mentorship program of designated domestic CABs 20241209 09-12-2024
4 Std 19-20/2024-STD/TEC Inviting comments on adoption of TSDSI transposed 3GPP standards for Rel 13-17 as national standard by TEC 20241119 19-11-2024
5 Std 19-19/2024-STD/TEC Inviting comments on adoption of TSDSI standard as national standard by TEC 20241119 19-11-2024
6 MT 07-08/2024-FA/TEC DCC Meeting of FA Division on 27.11.2024 20241114 14-11-2024
7 Admin TEC/Cash/TDS/2024-25 Saving Declaration Form 20241114 14-11-2024
8 IoT 1-3/2024-IoT/TEC Inviting nominations for reconstitution of NWG-20 corresponding to ITU-T SG-20 for the Study period 2025-28 20241113 13-11-2024
9 CA 04030.2024 TEC Designated CABs 20241003 03-10-2024
10 SD 19-18/2024-STD/TEC Inviting public comments for adoption of TSDSI standard " A Generic Relay Architecture for 5G and Beyond" as a National standard -reg 20240902 02-09-2024
11 MT 4-11/2024-MT/TEC Inviting Nominations for the constitution of “National Working Group on Open RAN (NWG-ORAN)” 20240726 26-07-2024
12 IoT 2-25/2024-IoT/TEC Extension of timeline for Inviting nominations for the constitution of “Working Group on Industry 4.0/ Smart Manufacturing" 20240716 16-07-2024
13 IoT 2-25/2024-IoT/TEC Inviting nominations for constitution of "Working Group on Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing" 20240628 28-06-2024
14 FA TEC/FLA/General-cor/01/2022-23 ( E-152324) Inviting nomination for Manufacturers’ Forum (MF) for the preparation of standards dealt by Fixed Access division, TEC-corrigendum 20240522 22-05-2024
15 FA TEC/FLA/General-cor/01/2022-23 ( E-152324) Inviting nomination for Manufacturers’ Forum (MF) for the preparation of standards dealt by Fixed Access division, TEC 20240509 09-05-2024
16 SD AAP/TEC Annual Action Plan for FY 2024-2025 20240405 05-04-2024
17 IoT 2-20/2023-IoT/TEC Minutes of MATCOF meeting of IoT Division held on 07.02.2024 20240328 28-03-2024
18 FA 31-2/2024-MT/TEC Inviting nominations for reconstitution of MATCOF for preparing Essential Requirements (ERs) for telecom equipment/products pertaining for MT Division, under MTCTE 20240320 20-03-2024
19 QT 2-2/2024-QT/TEC Inviting nomination for Manufacturer Forum MF(FY 2024-25) for the preparation of standards for Quantum Technology 20240312 12-03-2024
20 IoT 2-21/2024-IoT/TEC Inviting nominations for Manufacturer Forum (MF) (FY 2024-25) for the preparation of standards for telecom equipment dealt by IoT division, TEC 20240223 23-02-2024
21 IoT 2-21/2024-IoT/TEC Inviting nomination for Draft for comments Group(DFC) (FY 2024-25) for the preparation of standards dealt by IoT division, TEC 20240223 23-02-2024
22 IoT 2-21/2024-IoT/TEC Inviting nomination for Development Coordination Committee (DCC) and DCC Sub-Committee (Sub-DCC) (FY 2024-25) for the preparation of standards dealt by IoT division, TEC 20240223 23-02-2024
23 SD 4-1/2023-STD/TEC Inviting inputs from stakeholders for Annual Action Plan of TEC for FY 2024-2025 20240214 14-02-2024
24 IT 8-99/2022-IT-II Streamlining the process of provisioning of NIC Services in DoT and rationalization of VPNs 20231230 30-12-2023
25 RC 6-1/2019-RC/TEC(Pt.) Acceptance of only online applications for testing and certification of telecom products under TEC's Voluntary Certification scheme w.e.f. 01.01.2024 20231229 29-12-2023
26 IoT 2-20/2023-IoT/TEC(Pt.I) Minutes of MATCOF meeting held on 20.11.2023 for review of Essential Requirements (ER) of IoT Gateway TEC 24492301 20231212 12-12-2023
27 MT 2-1/2023-QT/TEC Inviting Nominations for the constitution of “National Working Group on Quantum Technology (NWG-QT)" 20231207 07-12-2023
28 SD 23-04/2023-STD/TEC Inviting Nominations for the leadership positions (Chair /Vice chair) for Study Groups/ TSAG of ITU-T to be elected during the WTSA-2024 20231101 01-11-2023
29 CA 1-15/2023-CA/TEC Withdrawal of Designation of M/s AB MSAI Research Labs Private Limited, New Delhi as Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) of TEC 20230825 25-08-2023
30 SD 19-14/2023-STD/TEC Inviting Public Comments for adoption of TSDSI transposed 3GPP standards Rel 13 to 17 into national standards by TEC 20230829 29-08-2023
31 FA 28-1/2023-FA/TEC Minutes of meeting on Implementation of Interoperability between OLT and ONT/ONU in a multivendor environment" 20230828 28-08-2023
32 FA 29-01/2023-FA/TEC Inviting nominations for reconstitution of MATCOF of FA Division 20230626 26-06-2023
33 TC 5-2/2021-TC/TEC/165 Notification of the products covered under Phase V of MTCTE mandatory w.e.f. 01.07.2024 20230623 23-06-2023
34 MT 38-3/2023-MT/TEC Inputs/ comments on draft technical requirements proposed to be added in the existing ER of Mobile User Equipment (MUE) 20230613 13-06-2023
35 SD TEC/SD Adoption of 3GPP Release 15, 16 and 17 standards (total 2579 documents) as transposed by TSDSI into National Standards by TEC 20230606 06-06-2023
36 SD TEC/SD Adoption of 3GPP Release 13 to 17 standards (total 1546 documents) as transposed by TSDSI, into National Standards by TEC 20230606 06-06-2023
37 C&B TEC/CB Procedure for designating domestic testing lab for testing of CAS & SMS 20230501 01-05-2023
38 Tx TEC/Tx Draft Standard on "Metal free Ribbon Optical Fibre Cable with Double HDPE Sheath for underground duct application(Type-I & Type-II)" (Standard No. TEC 85241:2023) 20230210 10-02-2023
39 Tx TEC/Tx Draft Standard on "Metal free Optical Fibre Cable with Double HDPE Sheath for underground duct application(Type-I & Type-II)" (Standard No. TEC 85240:2023) 20230210 10-02-2023
40 SD TEC/SD Inviting comments on adoption of TSDSI transposed 3GPP Release 13 to 17 standards into National Standards by TEC 20230125 25-01-2023
41 IMP&TEP IMP/TEC Extension of date of Inviting comments on the draft Telecom Rules pertaining to Section 23 (Power to prescribe standards) of draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 of DoT upto 01.02.2023 20230118 18-01-2023
42 SD 4-1/2023-STD/TEC inviting inputs from stakeholders for Annual Action Plan 2023-2024 20230118 18-01-2023
43 FN TEC/FN Adoption of TSDSI Transposed 3GPP Release-17 Standards into National Standards by TEC 20230109 09-01-2023
44 IMP&TEP IMP/TEC Inviting comments on the draft Telecom Rules pertaining to Section 23 (Power to prescribe standards) of draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 of DoT 20221230 30-12-2022
45 MRA CA/TEC Extension of last date of submission of EOI for Submission of Technical Solution along with Budgetary Quote for the project “Test as a Service (Taas)” by 02 weeks 20221213 13-12-2022
46 C&B 4-6/2021-C&B/TEC/CAS-SMS-TSTP Record of Discussions- Open House Session on Role of Standard Setting organization for Broadcasting Sector in India” 20221121 21-11-2022
47 C&B 4-6/2022-C&B/TEC/Accessibility Audio-Visual content Accessibility Roadmap for India 20221116 16-11-2022
48 CA CA/TEC TEC invites EOI for submission of Technical Solution along with Budgetary Quote for the project “Test as a Service (Taas) latest by 13.12.2022 20221114 14-11-2022
49 FN 19-01/2022-FN/TEC Inviting nominations for Manufacturer Forum (MF) for the preparation of standards for telecom equipment dealt by FN division, TEC 20221028 28-10-2022
50 TS TEC/TS Invitation of budgetary quotes for setting of 5G core testing lab at TEC 20221014 14-10-2022
51 TS TEC/TS Invitation of budgetary quotes for setting of 5G core testing lab at TEC 20220930 30-09-2022
52 MTCTE OSD/o/o/Sr DDG TEC/2021-22 Creation of Social Media Cell and Twitter Handle account of TEC 20220920 20-09-2022
53 TS TEC/TS Invitation of budgetary quotes for setting of 5G core testing lab at TEC 20220921 21-09-2022
54 C&B 4-3/2022-C&B/TEC/AI-Fairness Record of Discussions- Consultation Meeting on Framework for Fairness Certification of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Systems 20220914 14-09-2022
55 Tx 8-3/2021-Tx/TEC Withdrawal of GRs of Transmission Division 20220912 12-09-2022
56 Tx 8-6/2022-Tx/TEC Revision/Re-affirmation of Standards for GRs of Tx division 20220912 12-09-2022
57 TC 5-1/2022-TC/TEC Constitution of Project Management Unit (PMU) under MTCTE Division as a step towards Ease of Doing Business 20220621 21-06-2022
58 C & B TEC/CB TEC invites proposal for accreditation of Labs for testing of CAS & SMS. 20220625 25-06-2022
59 CA 4-10/2021-MRA/TEC Online Portal for TEC CAB Designation 20220526 26-05-2022
60 MT 28-1/2022-TEC/MT Reconstitution of NWG-13 “Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures” for the Study Period 2022-2024 - Extension of deadline for submission of the nominations. 20220502 02-05-2022
61 MT 4-9/2021-MT/TEC Nominations for constitution of “National Study Group on Open RAN” - Extension of deadline for submission of the nominations 20220418 18-04-2022
62 TC 08-06/2022-TC/TEC Inviting Nominations for the Constitution of National Working Groups (NWG)-11 for study period 2022-2024 20220418 18-04-2022
63 IoT 1-3/2022-IoT/TEC Invitation of nominations for reconstitution of NWG20 in TEC 20220412 12-04-2022
64 6G 6-5/2022-6GT/TEC Invitation of nominations for constitution of NWG12 in TEC 20220406 06-04-2022
65 TS 5-2/2021-TS/TEC Invitation of nominations for NWG-17 in TEC 20220330 30-03-2022
66 R 8-1103/2022-R/TEC/3 Constitution of National Working Group (NWG)-5 of ITU-T : Environment and Circular Economy for Study Period 2022-2024 20220404 04-04-2022
67 IT 4-2/2022-IT/TEC/NWG16 Invitation of nominations for constitution of National Working Group 16 (NWG-16) corresponding to ITU-T SG-16 (Multimedia and related digital technologies) for period 2022-24 20220331 31-03-2022
68 FN 6-05/2022-FN/TEC Constitution of (NWG)-2 corresponding to ITU-T Study Group-2 (Subject Matter: Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunication management) for the Study Period 2022-2024 20220331 31-03-2022
69 MT 28-1/2022-MT/TEC Reconstitution of National Working Group 13 (NWG-13) corresponding to ITU-T Study Group-13 “Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures” for the Study Period 2022-2024 20220330 30-03-2022
70 TS 5-2/2021-TS/TEC Inviting Nomination for constitution of "National Working Group 17(Security)'' in TEC 20220330 30-03-2022
71 RC TEC/NR.RC/Tarriff/33/2014(Vol II) Reduction in Renewal fee for Telecom Products under Voluntary Certification Scheme of TEC 20220330 30-03-2022
72 RC TEC/NR.RC/Tarriff/33/2014(Vol II) Exemption of testing fees for DPIIT Registered Start-ups and registered MSMEs by TEC for a period of five years 20220330 30-03-2022
73 CA 6-16/2022-TEC/CA Invitation for Training for women of rural background by volunteered Labs on EMI/EMC 20220218 18-02-2022
74 MT 4-9/2021-MT/TEC Inviting Nominations for constitution of “National Study Group on Open RAN” 20220107 07-01-2022
75 Std 4-1/2020-STD/TEC Inviting inputs from stakeholders for AAP of TEC for 2022-23 20220106 06-01-2022
76 MT 31-1/2021-TEC/MT Extension of date for submission of the nominations for DCC/Sub-DCC/MF 20220106 06-01-2022
77 MT TEC/MT Inviting nominations for the DCC/Sub-DCC, MF and DFC latest by 31-12-2021 20211223 23-12-2021
78 MRA 5-2/2020-MRA/TEC Non-Compliances and discrepancies in lab test results observed during evaluation of MTCTE cases 20211014 14-10-2021
79 RC 4-41/2019-RC/TEC(Pt) Workshop to commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) of Government of India 20211008 08-10-2021
80 IT 4-6 /2021-IT/TEC/CAS-SMS-nomination Seeking inputs for Testing & Certification of the CAS & SMS 20210927 27-09-2021
81 RC TEC/RC Mapping list of old and new number of TEC documents 20210101 01-01-2021
82 RC TEC/NR.RC/Tariff/33/2014(Vol II) Test Tariff of TEC 20151231 31-12-2015
83 GP TEC/EMI/EMC/2018-19 Extension of date 20210907 07-09-2021
84 GP TEC/GP Invitation of budgetary quotes for test instruments for setting up of EMI/EMC Lab by TEC, New Delhi. 20210810 10-08-2021
85 CPE&TL TEC/CPE&TL Extension for receiving budgetary quotes for test instruments for CPE & TL Lab upto 08.09.2021 20210827 27-08-2021
86 P & T 1-13/2020-Pers/ List of Empanelled Consultants 20210824 24-08-2021
87 RC TEC/MP/DD/TAP-701/01/NOV-15 Old Certification Procedure 20151101 01-11-2015
88 RC 4-39/2019-RC/TEC(Pt.) Extension of validity of existing Type/Interface Approval Certificates by TEC 20210816 16-08-2021
89 CPE&TL TEC/CPE&TL Extension for receiving budgetary quotes for test instruments for CPE & TL Lab upto 16.08.2021 20210802 02-08-2021
90 CPE&TL TEC/CPE&TL Invitation of budgetary quotes for test instruments for setting up CPE&TL lab in TEC, New Delhi 20210705 05-07-2021
91 RC TEC/AAP Annual Action Plan - TEC (2021-22) 20210701 01-07-2021
92 GP TEC/GP Green Passport Lab - TEC sets up Green Passport Lab which is conceptualised as a test bed for testing of Telecom devices for Energy efficiency. 20210628 28-06-2021
93 FA 17-1/2021-FA/TEC Inputs on withdrawal of GRs related to Pressurised cables 20210628 28-06-2021
94 TX 8-3/2021-Tx/TEC Withdrawal of GRs 20210623 23-06-2021
95 SD TEC/SD Inviting public comments on Adoption of TSDSI transposed OneM2M release-3 standard into national standards by TEC 20210617 17-06-2021
96 SD TEC/SD Inviting comments on Adoption of TSDSI standard for Radio Interface Technology (5Gi) into national standards by TEC 20210617 17-06-2021
97 RC TEC/FLA/General-cor/01/2010-11(pt) Technology Approval certificate for CDoT's developed XGS-PON system 20210616 16-06-2021
98 FA FA/ECR Energy Consumption Rating and Test Facility in TEC 20210615 15-06-2021
99 MRA TEC/MRA Extension in validity of CAB Designation 20210507 07-05-2021
100 IT 18-59/2021-CERT-T Information Security Best Practices 20210505 05-05-2021
101 R TEC/R/MATCOF MATCOF Meeting for draft ER on Antennas on 30.03.2021 20210324 24-03-2021
102 AL TEC/AL/2021 Inviting budgetary quotes for setting up of Access lab in TEC 20210323 23-03-2021
103 MT TEC/MT/MATCOF Google Form for MATCOF Nominations 20210224 24-02-2021
104 IoT 2-16/2018-IoT/TEC Comments invited on draft guidelines for Consumer IoT Security 20210118 18-01-2021
105 SD 4-1/2020-STD/TEC-1 Inviting inputs from Stakeholders for Annual Action Plan of Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) for FY 2021-22 20201222 22-12-2020
106 TC 5-2/2017-TC/TEC Revision of provisions in MTCTE procedure 20201113 13-11-2020
107 MRA 6-18/2018-NR/TEC(Pt-II) Uploading of Test Report Summary by Labs 20201112 12-11-2020