Mobile Technologies (MT)

Mobile Technologies (MT)

Mobile Technologies (MT)

Work Responsibilities

1. 3GPP Technologies

  • IMT-2020 (5G) and related technologies.

2. Non 3GPP Technologies

  • CDMA 2000 1x, EVDO Rev A etc.
  • WiMAX & its derivatives, COR-Dect, IMPCS, WLL etc.

3. Formulation of Standards/ Specifications on Mobile Technologies.

4. Adoption of standards as National Standards.

5. Formulation of ERs/IRs/GRs/ TSTPs related to Mobile Technologies and Conversion of GRs/ IRs into Standards.

6. Preparation of white papers/ study papers on latest technologies in the field of Mobile Technologies.

7. National Working Group-13 corresponding to ITU-T SG-13: Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures.

Other Activities

1. Participation in other NWGs

  • NWG 5 corresponding to ITU-R SG 5: Terrestrial Services: Systems and networks for fixed, mobile, radio-determination, amateur and amateur-satellite services
  • NWG 17 corresponding to ITU-T SG 17: Security.

2. Evaluation of Lab capabilities for CAB designation.

3. Activities related to Lab visit/site visit for CAB designation.

4. Participation in meetings of ITU, APT, 3GPP, IEEE and other International bodies.

5. Technical Support to DOT.