Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE)
Amendment of clause 17.2 in MTCTE Procedure v3.0 (TEC93009:2024)
MTCTE Procedure (v3.0/ Rel. April 2024) Amendment of clauses in Procedure v3.0 dated 19.09.2024
The Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules, 2017, provides that every telecom equipment must undergo mandatory testing and certification prior to sale, import of use in India. The final detailed procedure for Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipments (MTCTE) under these rules has been notified separately. The testing is to be carried out for conformance to Essential Requirements for the equipment, by Indian Accredited Labs designated by TEC and based upon their test reports, certificate shall be issued by TEC.
- Exemption pertaining to test parameters of NB-IoT interface under MTCTE-reg
- Amendment of clauses 17.2 in MTCTE Procedure v3.0 (TEC93009:2024)-reg
- Amendment of clauses in MTCTE Procedure v3.0 (TEC93009:2024)-reg
- Acceptance of ILAC test reports under MTCTE - reg
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters/Interfaces under MTCTE - reg
- Requirement of documents/exemption against certain parameters of ER of "PON family of Broadband equipment" under MTCTE - reg
- Notification for Security Certification of IP Router and WiFi CPE products
- Format for Self Declaration of Conformity cum undertaking
- Acceptance of ILAC test reports under MTCTE-reg
- Clarification on Security certification for End of Sale (EoS) and End of Life (EoL) products - reg
- Exemption pertaining to GPS parameters of applicable ERs under MTCTE -reg
- MTCTE Certification of 5G Core Nodes-reg
- Addition of Associated Model(s) in already Certified Equipment under MTCTE -reg
- Requirement of documents/exemption against certain parameters of ER of ‘PON Family of Broadband Equipment’ under MTCTE -reg.
- Exemption pertaining to GPS parameters of applicable ERs under MTCTE -reg.
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters/ Interfaces of ERs under MTCTE reg.
- Extension of mandatory certification date for 05 products (ERs) notified under Phase-III, IV & V of MTCTE - reg
- Non-Applicability of test parameters pertaining to LAN Switch ER under MTCTE
- Extension of Acceptance of Test Reports from Labs Accredited by ILAC Signatories for notified Phase V products
- Clarification regarding End of Life/ End of Sale whole unit warranty replacement products notified under various Phases of MTCTE
- Handling of Appeals under MTCTE regime-reg
- De-notification of Hybrid Set Top Box from the scope of MTCTE
- MTCTE User Instructions V.3.0
- Requirement of documents /exemption against certain parameters of ER of ‘PON family Broadband Equipment’ under MTCTE
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters/ Interfaces of ERs under MTCTE till 30.06.2024
- Exemption pertaining to Optical Fibre (Single Mode) and Optical Fibre Cable under MTCTE till 30.06.2024
- Extension of mandatory certification date for 12 products (ERs) notified under phase-III & IV of MTCTE by three months i.e. from 01.01.2024 to 01.04.2024
- Re-categorization of notified products as GCS & SCS category and reduction of fee charged for ER based applications under MTCTE W.e.f. 01.01.2024
- Extension of mandatory security testing of WiFi CPE and IP Router under MTCTE under MTCTE from 01.01.2024 to 01.04.2024
- Exemption for all the parameters of 5G NR interfaces pertaining to ER on Router (TEC37682308) under MTCTE
- Extension of mandatory certification date of 32 products (ERs) covered under Phase III and IV of MTCTE from 01.10.2023 to 01.01.2024
- Exemption pertaining to Optical Fibre (Single Mode) and Optical Fibre Cable under MTCTE
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters/ Interfaces of ERs under MTCTE
- Notification of the products covered under Phase V of MTCTE manadatory wef 01.07.2023
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Repeater for Cellular Network under MTCTE
- Revision of labeling Guidelines in MTCTE Procedure
- Exemption pertaining to ADSLx & VDSLx Interfaces under MTCTE
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of "Precision Timing Protocol Grand Master Equipment" & "VHF UHF Radio System Equipment" under MTCTE-reg
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters of Mobile Radio Trunking System under MTCTE -reg
- Criteria for certification for Routers, LAN Switches and DWDM equipment having specialized test requirements under MTCTE-reg
- Classification of Family and Associated Models of Optical Fibre Cable under MTCTE -reg
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Session Border Controller under MTCTE -reg
- Non-applicability of test parameters pertaining to IP Multimedia Conferencing Equipment, LAN Switch & IoT Gateway ER-reg
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Optical Fibre (Single Mode) and Optical Fibre Cable under MTCTE
- Notification of WiFi CPE and IP Router including security testing under MTCTE
- Clarification regarding testing of Base Station for Cellular Network as per ER under MTCTE
- Acceptance of valid certificate issued by BIS or test reports issued by BIS recognized lab(s) against safety requirements under MTCTE
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Media Gateway under MTCTE
- Clarification regarding acceptance of TSEC/SAC based on tender specifications under MTCTE
- Clarification regarding End of Life/ End of Sale for whole unit warranty replacement products under MTCTE
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Repeater for Cellular Network under MTCTE
- Extension of exemption pertaining to various parameters/ Interfaces of ERs under MTCTE
- Clarification with respect to parameters of PON ER under MTCTE - reg
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of LAN Switch under MTCTE -reg
- Enhancement of validity of Regular MTCTE Certificate from 5 years to 10 year
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems under MTCTE-reg
- Extension of MTCTE phase-III and IV mandatory date and ILAC relaxation date by one year i.e. to 01.07.2023
- Exemption pertaining to parameters of Radio Broadcast Receiver (RBR) under MTCTE
- Acceptance of Source Approval Certificate (SAC) under MTCTE
- Exemption of certain telecom products from MTCTE - eGazette
- Exemption pertaining to various parameters / Interfaces of ERs under MTCTE-reg
- Acceptance of test reports of CAB designated for parameter(s) of an ER under MTCTE
- Acceptance of ILAC test reports for all products under MTCTE Phase-III with acceptance/receipt of test sample by test lab up to 31.01.2022
- List of TEC designated labs viz-a-viz test parameters of products
- Addition of ECR parameters in all ERs - reg
- Meeting slots for meeting with DDG(MTCTE) regarding MTCTE issues
- Amendment for MTCTE Phase III & Phase IV
- Extension of Exemption of Protocol Test for GPON/ XGPON/ XGSPON Interface
- Clarification regarding Labelling requirement for MTCTE Phase III and IV
- Withdrawal of exemption for Technical Parameters in ER of PABX
- Test parameters pertaining to IPv6/Dual Stack in PON ER TEC14762108
- Notification for launch of MTCTE Phase-III and Phase-IV
- Exemption for Technical Parameters in ER of Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX)
- Generic Exemption for Technical Parameters i.e. Protocol Test for GPON/XGPON/XGSPON interface
- Letter to all CABs and NABL Accredited Labs for uploading of Test Report Summary
- Extension of Acceptance of Test Reports from Labs Accredited by ILAC Signatories upto 30.06.2021 for Technical parameters
- Minutes of Meeting on requirements of ERs on Cloud/CoTS based server Telecom/Communication products
- Handling of Appeals received from Appellant w.r.t. MTCTE certification
- Notification for launch of MTCTE Phase-II
- Notification for launch of MTCTE
- Proforma for seeking of Non-Applicability for few parameters
- MTCTE Certificate Terms & Conditions
- Registration of Importers mandatory on Customs Portal ICEGATE, for submission of MTCTE Certificate
- Documents required for creation of profile in MTCTE portal
- FAQs (Updated as on 19.07.19)
- MTCTE Procedure (ver 2.1/Release May 2021) supersedes procedure no. TEC/MP/DD/TCP-711/02.Oct18
- List of Test parameters vis-a-vis labs for testing of Telecom Product certification under MTCTE
The application for certification under MTCTE is to be submitted on MTCTE Portal through which online administration of this procedure shall be carried out.
In case of any queries related to MTCTE, contact MTCTE helpdesk at
Email: help[dot]mtcte[dot]tec[at]gov[dot]in
Contact Number: 011-23329555