Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT)

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) is an intergovernmental regional organization in the field of communication, information and innovation technologies. Currently, the APT has strength of 38 Members, 4 Associate Members and 137 Affiliate Members. APT assists the members in the preparation of Global conferences such as ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP), World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), World Radio-communication Conference (WRC), World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) and the ITU meetings.

Presently, TEC as the Standards Setting Organisation (SSO) for telecom and ICT sector, Government of India is contributing actively to finalize the agenda for the forthcoming WTSA. The following Indian office bearers from TEC have been elected to the APT Preparatory Group for ITU WTSA -20:

1. Mr. U.K. Srivastava Sr. DDG, TEC - Vice Chairman, APT Preparatory Group WTSA 20

2. Mr Ashutosh Pandey, DDG (Radio), TEC - Vice Chairman, WG1: ITU-T Working Methods

3. Mr P. K. Singh, DDG (Telecom Security), TEC - Vice Chairman, WG2: ITU-T Work Organizations

4. Mr Premjit Lal, Dir (Standardization), TEC - Vice Chairman, WG3: Policy/Regulatory and Standardization related issues