Format and Numbering

Format and Numbering

Format and Numbering for Standard Document

Broad format of TEC Standard document shall be as under:

  1. Contents
  2. History Sheet
  3. References
  4. Introduction (of network element, or system, if any)
  5. Description (of network element, or system in terms of components, architecture, etc.)
  6. Functional/Operational Requirements
  7. Interconnectivity and Interoperability Requirements
  8. Quality requirements
  9. EMI/EMC requirements
  10. Safety requirements
  11. Security requirements
  12. Other Mandatory Requirements
  13. Desirable Requirements
  14. Glossary

The broad templates for TEC Standard for Generic Requirements for a Product/Standard for Interface Requirements for a Product/Standard for Service Requirements/Standard Document of TEC and Test Guide are annexed as Annexure A, B, C, D and E respectively of Procedure and Guidelines Document. The template for cover page of TEC adopted Standard document is annexed as Annexure H.



          In order to maintain alignment/uniformity with the International pattern of   numbering of Standards, TEC has adopted the following numbering            scheme                   


TEC Standard documents shall be numbered as:


  • TEC denotes TEC Standard
  • ABCDE is Five-digit numeric number given to standard document

     AB (00-99) indicates Domain /Major Technologies

CD (00-99) –Numeric number of Standard document; may be decided by respective TEC Division

Digit E (Type of document): Standard for Generic Requirements for a Product/ Standard for Interface Requirements for a Product/ Standard for Service Requirements (Earlier GRs/IRs/SRs) and their TSTPs may be numbered serially by respective Divisions. i.e digit E can be even number i.e. 0,2,4,6 for Product/Interface/Service/Standard and +1 i.e. 1,3,5 for related TSTP/Test Guide.

7&8 -    Spare/reserve for future allotment by RC Division

9     -    Guidelines (Division Specific)

YYYY: Document Approval Year.

If a document is revised during a year, then the revision should be mentioned in bracket after YYYY e.g. ABCDE: YYYY (Rev1.0). Where Rev1.0 means first revision, Rev 2.0 means second revision and so on during a year.If revision is done in subsequent years, then YYYY shall describe the revision whereas ABCDE will remain same.


TEC has adopted two line numbering scheme for the adoption of Standards. As an example, if TEC has adopted TSDSI Standard document, it shall be represented as:

TEC Standard Document No….             First Line

Adopted from

TSDSI STD No……                                Second Line

In case of adoption of documents, digit E shall be allotted by the concerned Division, giving a range of 000-999 (digits CDE) per domain (digits AB).